Friday, June 22, 2007


My cousin Sally sent me a link to a website. In the email she sent me there was a poem. I would like to share this with you!

On Being a Champion:
"A champion is a winner, A hero. Someone who never gives up Even when the going gets rough. A champion is a member of A winning team. Someone who overcomes challenges Even when it requires creative solutions
A champion is an optimist, A hopeful spirit. Someone who plays the game, Even when the game is called life. Especially when the game is called life.
There can be a champion in each of us, If we live as a winner, If we live as a member of the team, If we live with a hopeful spirit, For life"
Man, I am emotional this morning. I was up at 6am for some reason. Andra is still vast asleep! I read this kids website and just was awestruck! I come home Monday afternoon. I am excited to see everyone. And I am coming back to China for a month from December 6th to the second week in January. I need to kick my challenge(ALS) while it is down. I am excited to put into motion a plan on how to keep my challenge at bay. Looking forward to working with people to accomplish that! It is weird-I know some of you are saying,"what happened to Drew-the guy never wears his emotions on his sleeve-let alone anywhere". Well that has changed for the better. I feel relieved when I write down how I am feeling about myself, my situation, you guys, the day and just about anything. Through words, I am better able to express what I'm feeling-rather than talking about it-don't get me wrong I could talk a dog off a meat truck-but I could not convey my feelings as well as I write them. Mom-your loving this!! And it is a huge weight off my shoulders talking/writing instead of keeping my fears and feelings bottled up-I was great at that!
What I am trying to say is-Thanks for letting me ramble on. And feel free to vent-I am a great ear!
pics to come

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think you are a true champion. Keep fighting and never lose your hopeful spirit.
