Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters,

Please review the attachment/article, well all I can say about yet another bogus, don't get out of line, hopeless message ... -- WELCOME TO THE 21st CENTURY !! -- The Old Way of Doing Things Are Almost over for you guys. As Stephen Byer articulately pointed out the Internet is king, no longer will people be blindly corralled like cattle to their doom, at least not progressive minded fighters .

Articles like this are just a last, desperate attempt by the ALS establishment to keep control . For too long they've been making us believe that, the end all gospel of medical evidence and facts, are in the hands of the holy Grail = "experts" and no one, especially mere mortals who surf the Internet, should ever dare try their hand at questioning /challenging the established order.

Let's face it we (PALS) have been at the mercy of waiting for unending research, big pharma interest, orphan disease politics, etc. They also think that calling something a "myth" will belittle the efforts of those who educate themselves & fight for their own health freedoms. Sorry, that may have been last century, but not this one.

I love this statement from the article/attachment (Red):
We need to do a better job of distributing information to PALS on the many benefits of attending specialized ALS clinics, on the many benefits of participating in the research studies offered there, and on the dangers of self-experimentation. We should refrain from off-label prescribing of unproven therapies. Most importantly, we need to educate PALS on how to distinguish myth from realityAllow Me to Sort This Ridiculous Paragraph into Sections
1. Do a better job of distributing information to PALS??? -- What information are they referring to? Oh, let me think of a classic "Mr. Johnson, your breathing capacity has dropped to dangerous levels, you may want to consider a trache" but then again only 10% of all patients at this neuromuscular center have ever taken that option. WOW! Could you repeat the second option again? Or what about this priceless tidbit (information distribution ) -- Mr. Johnson there are no available treatment options except Rilutek/Riluzole , which is highly recommended by this neuromuscular team, nevertheless you probably have anywhere from 2-5 years of your life left, I suggest you get your affairs in order.. would you like to speak to our an M D A representative?.

2. Many benefits of attending specialized ALS clinics -- Oh Really, Would You Care to Expand on What They Are? --I am not clear what are the benefits of specialized ALS clinics. Oh, I know, refills for Rilutek, prescription for XYZ depression, anxiety, order lab work to check if my liver is cooked by so much Rilutek, prescription for drooling, referral to ENT, prescription for a wheelchair, or just to tell me every three months that my disease is progressing and there are no options/is NOTHING out there. I call that the trip to HOPELESS is more of a hussle. A typical day at a neuromuscular clinic includes... bathing time, dressing time, loading time, driving time, waiting time, (in between specialist's) and finally it's time to see the "specialist/neurologists" to hear a 25 minute no-hope message that includes "see you in three months." So, if I am missing something, I need these authors to tell me what other benefits are there at specialized ALS clinics!!!!

3. On the many benefits of participating in the research studies offered there -- Which one? The one that generates the most donations or the one where I share a cage with the mouse? Tell me Mr. authors, which of the research studies are moving fast enough to generate my interest? What I see mainly is tons of money wasted by big name university researchers to ensure job security for centuries to come. Or the real warrior scientists wanting to participate on research funds that get push aside because they are not affiliated with a big name university or organization. How about "creating false hope" dear authors!

4. And on the dangers of self-experimentation. I recently heard of two scientists who have been spending their OWN money working around the clock to find a cure for ALS, out of their OWN pocket! They know that rare diseases like ALS will not be a one size fits all cure. We all know that ALS is just an umbrella term for a number of different types of motor neuron diseases. And with the exception of the 5% familial type, treatments will need to be customized to the individual and the only way is to do it on trial and error basis. If I am willing to use my body for science sake, why should any article stop me from doing it?

5. We should refrain from off-label prescribing of unproven therapies ... What ? ? ? -- Do these authors know that new drugs are often not tested for safety and efficacy specifically in children. Therefore between 50 percent and 75 percent of all medications prescribed by pediatricians in the U.S. are for off-label applications. Are they proposing to tell these pediatrician not to continue this practice? Another example, the standard of care for a particular type or stage of cancer involves the off-label use of one or more drugs. Another example is the use of tricyclic antidepressants to treat neuropathic pain. According to medical literature, this old class of antidepressants is now rarely used for clinical depression due to its side effects but the tricyclic are often effective for treating pain on those patients with neuropathic conditions. Should we share the authors recommendations with the neuro community too? Oh forgot, how about Provigil an off label drug used for MS patients....the list goes on and one. Do we stop this practice all together for everyone or are the authors suggesting just IPLEX for PALS to be restricted and not prescribed off label. THAT will be discrimination BIG TIME!!!! Law suit, law suit....

6. Most importantly, we need to educate PALS on how to distinguish myth from reality - MAN!... Does anyone else feel insulted?... what about Rilutek/Riluzole? -- Do they honestly think that PALS are a bunch of dummies without brain? Actually, PALS brains are very active and perform best without the distractions of the other body parts it is called ENHANCED functioning....and last time I check Rilutek was really a MYTH....prove me wrong!

Summarizing: These gents need to accept the fact that the world has changed, and the game is almost up. Blessed be cyber technologies that allow people to break through special interests, share information (good or bad) and take over a cause and become engaged activists. Next step, We All Write Letters to Those Well Intended Authors who are just misguided and cannot see that the world has changed and remind them that whenever writing an article just directed to PALS, they must be reminded that, although PALS bodily functions are steadily declining, the one thing that's left intact is the brain . Should our (PALS) families, not have the right to any and all possible therapies including stem cells, IPLEX, or whatever other reasonable therapeutic that might have even marginal efficacy? -- save our lives-? Should it not be our doctors responsibility to adopt the attitude that, all reasonable treatments/therapies including stem cell should be considered , instead of the fatalistic “oh sorry, Mr. Charlie - . Life isn't fair, that’s just the way it is, there's nothing we can do -- SEE YOU IN THREE MONTHS!!


Eddie said...

good article and you need to check my blog out!

梁爵 said...

2020.05.23酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容八大世界的融資邏輯在性交易不合法、陪侍業遊走於法律邊緣的情況下,酒店公關與我在酒店上班的日子性工作者常被屏除在社會安全網與信用制度外,幾乎不可能和銀行等金融機構借貸,辦房貸、車貸時需要人頭,這時就會向恩客或經紀人求援。經紀人除了確保酒店打工小姐們工作時的安全、陪上下班跑店接送、情緒低落時灌心靈雞湯外,也經常是她們的債主甚至信用保證人,要放貸酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金必須自己口袋夠深,也有不少經紀人酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?被借錢借到倒。「我會借出去的款項,基本上都是我覺得沒有還也還好的數目,當然也要評估妹仔有沒有這個產值,正妹優先。」一名酒店經紀這樣談自己的借錢哲學職場須知 【酒店PT 】:「一個相貌普通的妹仔開口就要借個十幾萬,是不會有正常人想理她的,何況有的妹仔連上一任經紀人的錢都沒還完呢!」在顏值與人頭都能變現的世界,經紀人除了用各種管道開發有意進八大淘金的新血,有的也會從同行手中「洗妹」,像洗牌一樣把屬意的小姐洗到自己旗下,或是用妹海戰術賺錢。一個酒店小姐的經紀約平均交易價格是三萬元,有債務的則另議前後任經紀的償還比例,越弱勢的就會面臨越嚴苛的勞動條件。在肺炎疫情餘波未平、政府宣布八大全面歇業之際,手上銀彈多的經紀能「危機入市」,然而,洗妹要不犯江湖忌諱是一門大學問,擋人財路如殺人父母,事小的道歉包個紅包做結,大者是會動拳腳刀槍來拼命的。酒店、養生館為了店內秩序,禁止小姐們交流薪資與經紀人抽成比例,也難防耳語傳聞「唉呦你的公司怎麼這麼苛?我一節就拿多少多少說!」「你這麼正,怎麼在這邊上不好?你經紀人都不想辦法的噢?」「我可以幫你介紹某某,某某會幫你如此這般……」知道水深的老鳥不是幾句甜言蜜語過個水就洗得動,但在無限期停業的政策推一把後,頓失生計的八大基層會衍生多少糾紛、呆帳與治安問題?這些問題又會如何反饋到「光明社會」的這一面,恐怕不是此一時能夠斷言的。八大因疫情停業並不會讓情慾需求消失,一名應召站幹部說,「如果大家能滿足在家裡打手槍,那一開始就不會來了。」除了多與嫖客喇賽疫情的五四三,他依舊周休一日每天值班十二小時,整理新的花名冊,戮力為客人仲介各式各樣的溫柔。站在道德的相對高點,質疑他人的職業選擇、想像做八大一定日進斗金、要求紓困補助都是貪婪很容易,深入了解不同族群的苦衷、共同承擔困境永遠是最艱難的,希望在這波尚無配套的八大歇業命令後,大家可以思考:膝反射式的傲慢是否和瘟疫一樣致命?