Saturday, February 14, 2009

There's Definitely Something Wrong with This Picture Fiscal year 2008, Actual (not estimated) NIH (National Institute of Health) allocation of spendi

There's Definitely Something Wrong with This Picture

Fiscal year 2008, Actual (not estimated) NIH (National Institute of Health) allocation of spending

HIV/AIDS research -- 2.9 billion.
Substance abuse research -- 1.76 2 billion.
Drug abuse (NIDA only) -- 1 billion
Obesity research -- 664 million.
Alcohol research -- 452 million.

Depression research -- 402 million

Tobacco research -- 311 million.

Sexually transmitted diseases 245 million.

Food safety research -- 244 million.

Arthritis 232 million.

Sleep research 225 million.

Multiple sclerosis research 169 million

Parkinson's disease research 152 million.

Youth violent research 115 million.

Pneumonia research 93 million.

Infertility research 73 million.

Crohn's disease research, 51 billion.

ALS research 43 million.

Suicide research -- 39 million

Teenage Pregnancy research 21 million

ALS - Woefully Under-Funded (NIH) Compared to Other Diseases

MS (multiple sclerosis ) seems to offer a reasonable standard of comparison as it has about the roughly similar incidence as ALS (10,000 new cases per year for MS vs.7000 for ALS). There are approximately 400,000 people in the US living with MS vs. about 30,000 with ALS. Why the difference in prevalence if the diseases have a somewhat similar incidence rate? The major factor is lethality. MS patients live a normal life span while, ALS patients have a much shorter life span. If ALS were not such an effective killer, its prevalence rate would obviously be much higher. It seems reasonable that the two diseases should have nearly equal public funding, since they both occur with the similar frequency, but this is not the case. NIH budgets 169 million on MS research but $43 million on ALS? . It is immoral to base funding on prevalence in the context of similar incidence rates, thereby penalizing ALS patients for the lethality of their disease

The next disease for comparison is Huntington’s disease, another disorder caused by degeneration of brain cells, i.e. neurons, in certain areas of the brain. Its incidence and prevalence rate are much lower than ALS and patients usually live 10-25 years after diagnosis. Yet, this disease has an NIH budget of $51 million versus, $43 million for ALS.
For the, 3rd and final comparison, HIV/AIDS. This illness has a large incidence (85,000) and prevalence (1,100,000) The number of patients who die from this disease each year is only a bit more than twice the number of ALS deaths, yet HIV/AIDS has a research budget of nearly $3 BILLION! vs. $41m for ALS-?

CONCLUSION I: Given its incidence rates and high lethality, ALS is woefully under-funded compared to other diseases or and this may explain, at least in part, why so little has been learned about this disease since Lou Gehrig’s death 65 years ago and why there have been no significant advances in treatment. It does not get the recognition it deserves because its high lethality severely limits the number of Americans who are living with the disease at any one point in time.

RECOMMENDATION I: The NIH budget for ALS research should be immediately increased to $110m or the same amount as MS.

The fact that the low prevalence rate of ALS, is directly due to its high lethality, therefore does not provide any incentive for major pharmaceutical companies to search for a cure. The only drug for ALS, Rilutek, about 15 years old now, extends life only 2-3 months, is used by many patients at high cost, yet the maker of the drug, Aventis, claims that it loses substantial money on Rilutek. MS, in comparison, with its 400,000 prevalence in the US alone, presents significant incentive for drug companies to invest in research. In fact, there are 5 meds that have proven very beneficial and sales are big. Avonex, for example, had close to $1b in sales in the last year. Another drug, Copaxone, may have the greatest potential to alter the course of MS and sales, once the issue of side effects is resolved, should be huge. If we accept the view that it costs the companies $800 m over 10 years to develop and bring to market a successful drug, then about $4 billion has been spent to produce these disease mitigating medications, or $400 m per year, not including current research.
The FDA offers an orphan disease program to provide incentives to companies to invest in research of diseases having a prevalence of fewer than 200,000. The program provides tax incentives and other advantages for only small grants; unfortunately the incentives offered are too small to interest large companies with all their research potential.

Conclusion II: Because of ALS’s high lethality, prevalence will always be low. As a consequence, big pharma will not have the incentive to invest in ALS research and the high tech power of drug companies won’t be harnessed to find new therapeutic agents in the fight against ALS.

Recommendation II: Federal health agencies must provide the incentive to big pharma to invest in ALS research. The FDA Orphan Disease Program must be substantially increased to accomplish this. $80m per year in incentives must be allotted to get major companies interested in working on this research. Funding could include a combination of grants, tax credits and exclusive marketing rights, etc. The grants could be reduced as companies come closer to marketing the new agents.

Under-funding of ALS will not be righted without our ( PALS ) active intervention. I am asking for your help on behalf of both the 35,000+ Americans living with the disease today and the estimated 70,000 that ill die every 10 years , and the 7000 that will die just this year, until a cure is found. ALS has been neglected far too long.
Edward W. Esparza
(pals since 2005)
"For PALS, the cost of waiting/doing nothing, is simply too high."


Ray mumme said...

Hey Drew,
I understand your frustration, we live with a political mess, and a goverment that dependends on big business to fuel where the money and research go.
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梁爵 said...

2020.05.12酒店、舞廳解禁酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容開放有望!新冠肺炎台灣疫情緩和、穩定控制,中央流行疫情指揮中心昨日我在酒店上班的日子宣布,目前暫停營業的酒店、舞廳等酒店小姐一定有S?業者,在符合防疫安全條件下,八大行業可開放營業,且不受室內100人、室外500人人數限制。巧合的是,今日職場須知 【酒店PT 】剛好是酒店、舞廳停業滿月,指揮中心此話一出,相關酒店打工行業人士都很期待。記者實訪一名在北市中山區酒店工作的女公關軒軒,她表示若酒店真解禁,實質上生意一定會爆好,因為台商、業者都「忍很久了」。軒軒說,她所服務的地方為私人招待所,受酒店禁令也暫時歇業至今,這一個月來她都沒進店裡上班,與其他公關們大多轉戰KTV、卡拉OK或是飯局模式;而客層方面,多為熟客與幹部所介紹的友善客人,故在安危顧慮上較放心;但即便如此。收入仍大受影響,跟之前比少了六成,不過因她沒有家計負擔,故這段時間她也當做休息,更規畫了東部旅遊。而對疫情這段時間的感想?軒軒說,其實酒店業並不是四月時有酒店公關確診才受影響,而是台灣確診1月下旬有確診者後,2、3月生意就明顯下滑,因為「有錢人超怕死!」也擔心來消費後確診,很難對親友交代,故2月起收入就已下滑。軒軒也說,而酒店業是「連動」、最能反應「台灣經濟」的產業。經濟好時,來消費、甚至談生意的客人就多;而一蕭條,酒店、幹部、旗下小姐收入銳減,連樓下賣花、賣香腸、一整條賣衣物、精品的店家都受影響,是一層接一層環環相扣的。軒軒跟記者分享一個特別觀點,就是酒店停業這一個月時間,她的總收入雖大減,但是「客單」(顧客單筆消費)收入卻超高。她解釋,因為這段時間都轉戰如錢櫃KTV、卡拉OK等方式,客人消費、開酒遠比在酒店時便宜、小費也多外,收入部分因不用透過酒店營銷、幹部等關卡,少了中間抽成,故費用都是「實拿」,也算是這段時間的特別之處。

梁爵 said...

2020.09.06【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】我們認為要入行 必須做出酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?決定 是很難的抉擇。
畢竟一份2萬元的工作 跟20萬的工作 必經之路一定不一樣
當你想得到某些部份(酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?金錢 夢想 減輕經濟壓力)也許會失去某些部份(睡眠 健康 和朋友相聚)但是當面對現實壓力來臨時,酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容還是只有自己能面對解決 有時旁人根本幫不了妳(有的還會說風涼話 落井下石)。
這是妳自己的人生 好壞結果都是自己承擔 若多了解這行生態與全貌 有助於妳做出對自己最佳的選擇。