Monday, February 2, 2009

International Stem Cell Corporation Begins Pre-Clinical Trials On Human Corneal Epithelial Cells

International Stem Cell Corporation Begins Pre-Clinical Trials On Human Corneal Epithelial Cells
Article Date: 01 Feb 2009 - 0:00 PSTInternational Stem Cell Corporation (OTCBB:ISCO) , the first company to perfect a method of creating human "parthenogenetic" stem cells from unfertilized eggs, is planning pre-clinical trials aimed at applying its laboratory-grown human corneal epithelial cells to improve photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), a form of corrective laser eye surgery. These trials are the first step toward Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clinical trials to test the efficacy of using ISCO cells to improve healing after corneal surgery, and are part of the company's efforts to increase the clinical utility of its discoveries in culturing corneal cells and tissues. This work is being done in collaboration with Dr. Paul H. Chen, M.D., who has developed the cell transfer technology. Dr. Chen is an eye surgeon at North County Laser Eye Associates, and he is on staff at Scripps Memorial La Jolla and Scripps Encinitas Hospitals . "This collaboration is an excellent opportunity for ISCO to use its cell culture and manufacturing expertise to create therapeutic human cells that can enter the market relatively quickly and improve patient's quality of life," said Jeffrey Janus, ISCO's president. "We are fortunate to be working with Dr. Chen on this exciting project." About International Stem Cell Corporation (ISCO.OB) International Stem Cell Corporation is a California biotechnology company focused on developing therapeutic and research products. ISCO's technology, Parthenogenesis, results in the creation of pluripotent human stem cell lines from unfertilized human eggs. ISCO scientists have created the first Parthenogenetic homozygous stem cell line (phSC-Hhom-4) that can be a source of therapeutic cells that will minimize immune rejection after transplantation into hundreds of millions of individuals of differing sexes, ages and racial groups. These advancements offer the potential to create the first true "Stem Cell Bank" and address ethical issues by eliminating the need to use or destroy fertilized embryos. ISCO also produces and markets specialized cells and growth media worldwide for therapeutic research through its subsidiary Lifeline Cell Technology. For more information, visit the ISCO website at: http://www.internat ionalstemcell. com. Forward-Looking StatementsStatements pertaining to anticipated future financial and/or operating results, future growth in research, technology, clinical development and potential joint venture and other opportunities for the company and its subsidiary, along with other statements about the future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans, or prospects expressed by management constitute forward-looking statements. Any statements that are not historical fact (including, but not limited to statements that contain words such as "will," "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates") should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, risks inherent in the development and/or commercialization of potential products, uncertainty in the results of clinical trials or regulatory approvals, need and ability to obtain future capital, application of capital resources among competing uses, and maintenance of intellectual property rights. Actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements and as such should be evaluated together with the many uncertainties that affect the company's business, particularly those mentioned in the cautionary statements found in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.


梁爵 said...

職場須知 【酒店PT 】事發沒多久,張男的友人一度帶約10名黑衣人重回酒店要討公道,要店家教人出來,警方獲報出動30名快打警力,由於現場並無過激動作,警方查抄資料後將這群人驅離,另為防再有意外,也加派警力在酒店外站崗以防滋事。

梁爵 said...

2020.10.20知名網紅小模 援交賺錢 超好賺!最近有位【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】F奶網美「 Aqq cami」 橫綱凱咪,在網路上爆料酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容,市面上我們所見到的網美,有超過七成都私下提供賣淫服務。這爆料看似勁爆,但其實真在網路上發酵時,其實所有網友都內心有底,只是驚訝於竟然真的有網美敢正大光明的說出來,甚至還將從兩萬到二十萬不等的價碼公開。網路上對這件事情的看法,大多數的人都是「不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因不意外」。並且總時不時看到許多人將酒店酒店小姐酒店上班到底都在做麼?賣淫的定義延伸到更廣酒店小姐酒店公關酒店上班到底都在做麼?,包含禮物、交往甚至結婚,都被廣義賣淫給囊括在其中酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?。這些真是老調重彈了,齋主也就不多費唇舌,我倒是想聊聊些個人感觸。我相信當代都市人,都肯定有些網美朋友。不管這些人是你的朋友、老朋友、小後輩或是朋友的朋友。她們靠著自身的美貌、進步的醫美,或是優秀的圖形演算法,在網路上展現自我並攢了大量的人氣。你總有機會和她在某次餐敘中見面。你是人,她也是人,你會在和朋友見面時抱怨工作,當然她也會抱怨些工作上的事情。她總會在最後抱怨起圈內其他人的道德瑕疵,其中總避不了討論其他網美私下接些有道德瑕疵的工作,賣淫、包養等各類於名聲有損的行為。然後朋友畢竟是你的朋友,你始終願意相信她不是這樣的人。齋主我問過無數次,所有人的網美朋友都自稱是清流。那她們口中那些賣淫或包養的網美,到底又在哪裡?就我看來,我相信網美圈內真有賣淫現象,但我不認為有到「七成」這麼普遍,當然也有可能是我對該圈子的文化不熟悉。但我想之所以我們會相信,多少也因為身邊有著太多的流言蜚語。當任何一個網美或網美的關係人,向你說些該圈子的羶色八卦時,通常的情況是傳播關係鏈上每多一個人,正如媒體本質,就會加油添醋一番。富二代男友送了一杯CITY CAFE給女友網美,經過一傳十、十傳百的加料後,就變成了土豪用北宋汝窯,裝了西王母瑤池玉露來送給網美,然後一番天雷勾動地火下,成就了一樁多人運動的美事。是,我認為謠言可畏。這些謠言之所以存在,多半是因為我們不會公開談論這些事情的真偽。久而久之,只有那些辛辣的要素被保留下來,又或者被新創造了出來。而我們最後也根據這些謠言,構築了我們對於這些網美世界的想像。對,我相信有網美將賣淫當作主要收入,但七成還是太誇張了。除非「賣淫」的定義很廣,廣到連收禮物、請吃飯、一起出遊,都能算是賣淫的定義中,不然我認為這種身價的女人,不可能還是一手交錢一手開腿。我認為橫綱凱咪敢於公開爆料此事,有著不容易的勇氣,也肯定承受了不小的壓力。雖然我不見得讚同她所說的「七成」,但她其中討論到的「沉淪」,倒是我親眼所見某個朋友的經歷。我記得十多年前,有個漂亮的朋友。她那時初嘗美貌所帶來的紅利,不管追求者的禮物,星巴克紙杯上的關心,甚至是小吃攤老闆招待的嘴邊肉等。某天,她就踏入了那時利潤還很豐厚的「Show Girl圈」。當時台灣展覽需求暴增,她接了大量的工作,從一開始的電玩、動漫,到後來的3C、工業、車展等等。那時我只感覺這名朋友好像開始走得很遠,遠到我再也不認識這個人。這幾年在臉書的朋友上,我看到了她。老實說,大概是因為接受了太多整形的調整,我已經無法在她與她朋友們的合照中認出她是哪一位。甚至過往單純而清新的美貌也已然逝去,取而代之的是滿滿的風塵味。我翻了翻她過往的照片,就是標準的在國外拍照打卡,在泳池畔與其他姊妹們的合照,再不然就是瞎拚的戰利品,唯獨欠缺的就是感情生活。這種女人的臉書和生命中,似乎從未有過一段感情,她們的照片中不會有男人,也不曾公開聽說她與哪位男性交往。而看著她曾經經營的臉書專頁上,還停留在當年還在Show Girl時的紀錄、活動和照片。我經常會想,她是否還認得過去的自己?又或者她是否還願意承認那段過往?