Sunday, January 4, 2009

Open Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research
Target: President-Elect Barack ObamaSponsored by: Care2
The Bush Administration's ban on federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research has set back medical research on cures for Parkinson's disease, cancer and other diseases. Fear of violating Bush's edict (even for something as minor as buying office supplies with federal funding) has caused many researchers and institutions logistical headaches. Lifting these restrictions would free researchers to spend less time being concerned about government red tape and more time focusing on research. President-elect Obama has pledged to reverse the restrictions, opening federal funding for medical research. Tell Obama now that one of his first acts as president should be to act on his commitment to stem cell research!

1 comment:

Ray mumme said...

This is great information; we need more people in this arena on Stem Cells. There is a new product out for everyone today; Stem Cells are here for you now. I would like to introduce you to the World’s First Stem Cell Enhancer. It is proven by Science and Medical Teams in a Peer Review study.
“The Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine” “ 8 (2007) 189–202”
Please take the tour and down load the study I will send you more educational information on this amazing new product. Adult stem Cells can become any organ, tissue, or muscle in the body. After taking 1 gram of StemEnhance your body releases 3 to 4 million adult stem cells, into the blood stream. This is the body’s natural way to renew, refresh, and rejuvenate itself. We are unleashing a whole new system of the body that has always been there. This is an all natural botanical extract for everyone.
Ray Mumme