Hello All,
I hope all is well!
I have been asked a lot through emails, how I am and is it working. I must say I am over joyed with the amount of emails- They are great. Everyday I hear from someone new or a stranger that has heard about my challenge. I will return everyone of them. I am
surprised how many people have been affected by
ALS-by knowing someone that has it. I have gotten at least ten emails of people that know someone. And I welcome them because I am curious of there story and where they are in there challenge(my new word for
ALS). I want to be able to tell them stem cells are a viable treatment option. Far too many people know about them but do not the how's and the where's. Meaning how do they work for the challenge (
ALS) ahead and where are the best places to go. Well, I was approached to do a story about me and my challenge. I thought long and hard about not doing it-because of my family. I have discussed it with them and although some disagree, I am going to do it. I think with emphasis on why I am here and the treatments options, I can get the word out that there is hope! I have seen first hand the people that have waited too long to do anything or they just don't know. I look at it this way, if I can reach one person and have them get the treatment I have
received, then the story was well worth it. And 18 out of 20 people at the hospital did not have the challenge(
ALS). They had MS, Ataxia,
SPI-Spinal Cord Injuries, Stroke. So if people get the word out, there is HOPE!
As for me-I could not have gotten through this without my sister Andra. She was my crutch while I was here. When I was scared she comforted me, when I was sick as a dog, she was right there holding my head. We have gotten so much closer because of my challenge. So there is some good that comes out of this-And one other thing-Andra-Love you!All the re-connections I have made are wonderful. People I do not even know have emailed. People I have not talked in 20 years now email three times a week. The support has far surpassed anything I can dream of! And my family of course, have come to the forefront and stepped up big time. I love you all!
My spirits have never been better! I have the most positive outlook on my future. There are still mountains climb and oceans to swim-but I am much more prepared than I have ever been. Yeah, I still think about my challenge and the "what
ifs" but this month has taught me to live and live well. I have always been a positive person but when I first got wind of the challenge ahead, I saw the glass as half empty. Who wouldn't!! But as time came and went and the support poured in and the treatment options
broadened-I started to think, "I can beat this and beat it good".
So I end this post saying there will be many more in the coming days. Enjoy the pics.
"If He(God) brings you to it, He will bring you through it".